Pavel Stepanov

Teacher of Drum and Percussion instruments. Composer. Clinician. Drum instructor. Solo and Orchestral performer.

- Education:
Assistant of Classic Percussion department in Gnesin's Academy (Moscow).2017 - 2019. (the most popular and prestige education in Russia)
Conservatory of music Petrozavodsk City.2009-2014.
Murmansk music college. 2005-2009.

-honor lifetime member of NARD
-Member of different rudimental organisations
-head of department marching and rudimental drummers in SPB percussion society (Saint Petersburg percussion organization)

- International artist of
-Agner drumsticks (Swiss)
-Yamaha drums (Japan)
-Prologix pads (USA)
-Agean cymbals (Turkey)
-Drum Gear (Denmark)
-Slapklatz (Denmark)
-Cympad (Swiss)

- Author technical books for drummers and percussionists (first books in history of music in percussion sphere in CIS countries ) .
-Author pieces for snare drum and percussion instruments, author solo for drum set.
-Author articles for drum percussion magazines and Web sites.
-Arranger of drum group.
-Author rudimental course "Rudimental start by Pavel Stepanov" from Agnerdrumsticks (Switzerland) .

-Teacher in Lyceum of art "Saint Petersburg" (education for talent children)
-Founder and Percussion leader in "Sky Rhythm" (first professional rudimental drum group in modern Russia)
- Teacher in Boarding school for students of the Ministry of Defense
-Classic Percussion leader in the oldest Wind orchestra in Russia-orchestra of honor guard (face of wind music in Russia)
-Percussion leader in different symphonic orchestras .

-Musician Director of the biggest Russian​ festival - competition "Drum Wave" .

-Participated in Drum Percussion camp Weinfelden (Switzerland) as Clinician and Concert performer 2015, 2016
-Teacher of Winter Percussion Academy in Sillamae (Estonia)​ 2014, 2016
-Participated in Patagonia Percussion Festival 2019 (Argentina) with master class and solo concert.
-Present Russia at International Rudimental Drum Symposium 2018 in Paris (France).
-Acted as a teacher and concert performer at the All-Russian Interuniversity Scientific and Methodological Conference. "Traditions and innovations in the performing school of wind and percussion instruments". 2021 Moscow.

Was in Jury:
-Istanbul Percussion Competition
-Trummania competition (Estonia)
-Drum Fest Russia
-Drum Wave competition
-SPB Percussion youth competition.

Master classes were:
-Tallinn's Academy theater and music (Estonia)
-Gnesin's Academy (Moscow)
-Conservatory Name Astor Piazzolla (Buenos Aires)
- Devlet Conservatory University Istanbul (Istanbul)
-Mariinsky theater (Saint Petersburg)
-Conservatory of music Name Sobinov (Saratov)
-University of culture (Saint Petersburg)
-Petrozavodsk music college
-Bryansk music college
-Murmansk music college
-Moscow military college
-Krasnodar music college
-at different events and exhibition

-Percussion instructor and author pieces for World Guinness record in Saint Petersburg 2019 , Russian Percussion record 2018 (The Biggest ensemble of percussion instruments- 806 drummers and percussionists​ ), The Biggest Russian ensemble 2019 (1300 drummers and percussionists). Online Drum Parade Saint Petersburg 2020.

-Percussion instructor and author of drum solos for Victory's parade in Saint Petersburg in 2018, 2019. The biggest Russian celebration.